Gawain & Green Knight Community Parade

July 7, 2024 @ 2:00 pm
Sparrow Park
Derby St
Leek ST13
Gawain & Green Knight Community Parade @ Sparrow Park | England | United Kingdom

The big ‘everyone can join in’ parade leaving Sparrow Park at 2:00pm

July 2nd is a packed day for Doctor Plots. As well as the street theatre at 11am, craft workshops for all ages and story telling we have a big parade at 2pm to escort the victorious Sir Gawain through town to the Market Place for a final retelling of the famous story.

Some of our workshops are making accessories (out of cardboard) for young knights to form part of the parade but we’re encouraging you all to dress up and join in, medieval style. Knights, Knightesses, Princes, Princesses, Kings, Queens, Monks and all.

Bring a flag or two, crazy hats, banners, the more the merrier!!

Assemble 1:50pm at Sparrow Park to be part of this crazy bit of fun! (children to be accompanied by a responsible adult)

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