Sir Gawain & The Green Knight Live Reenactment at 11:15am and 2.15pm

The world famous medieval poem, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight has an anonymous author. The poem was written locally, probably by a monk and features many of Leek & The Staffordshire Moorlands geographic features and local dialect.

The story culminates in Lud’s Church aka The Green Chapel.

Whilst we don’t be visiting Lud’s Church we will have a live telling of the story complete with our famous giant characters of Sir Gawain and the fearsome Green Knight in Leek town centre, a few miles from Lud’s Church.

11:15am at Sparrow Park and 2.15pm (approx) lower end of Leek Market Place

Community Parade 2pm July 3rd from Sparrow Park

The culmination of the day is with a big parade at 2pm to escort the victorious Sir Gawain through town to the Market Place for a final retelling of the famous story

Bring your Woodwose mask from the craft tent and join in the parade or dress up and join in, medieval style. Knights, Knightesses, Princes, Princesses, Kings, Queens, Monks and all.

Bring a flag or two, crazy hats, banners, the more the merrier!!

Assemble 1:50pm at Sparrow Park to be part of this crazy bit of fun! (children to be accompanied by a responsible adult)

Things to do

Doctor Plot's Video

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